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The Privacy Academy has open its Associateship Certification Course on Privacy and Data Protection in Nigeria.

The Benefits and perks of the programme which is pegged for N250, 000 onsite and N200, 000 online includes: certificate of participation; certificate of completion; induction as certified associate of the Privacy Academy (APAC); and eligibility to use the title—APAC

Also, the deadline for the registration is 25th June, 2023  and amongst the module to be taught include: concepts and terminologies; data subjects rights; enforcement mechanism; lawful bias for data processing; legal history; principles of data protection and the legal regime.

The course which is hosted by Uche Val Obi, SAN and Olumide Babalola is set to run from 5th to 6th July, 2023 in Lagos, Nigeria; and as mentioned, provision has been made for both an onsite and online class. The induction ceremony is set to hold in November, 2023

To register, kindly send a mail to: [email protected] or visit the website at:

The Academy is an educational institution founded principally as a platform for privacy training and capacity building for stakeholders in the Nigerian. Being an institution acknowledged by the Nigerian Data Protection Authority during its registration stage, the certificates issued are recognised within Nigeria and beyond.

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