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PSC Trains Staff On Police Oversight Function

Police Service Commission (PSC), has trained its directorate staff on leadership and decision making in crisis and emergencies aimed at proper oversight functions of the Nigeria Police Force.

The chairman of the commission, Dr. Solomon Arase, a retired inspector-general of police in his opening remarks at the training workshop said the training programmes aggregate in no small measure in impacting positively on the commission towards optimal functionality and improved service delivery to the people of Nigeria.

Arase, who was represented by Dr Ogbonna Nwota, an assistant commissioner of police said the duty of effective oversight of the police “will remain a paper tiger if the Commission (amongst other factors) is not strengthened and repositioned through capacity building training programmes that will enhance the knowledge of the staff on their core mandate”.

He stated that decision making as a leader is an imperative call to duty which demands emotional intelligence, critical thinking and deep understanding of professional guidelines and statutory provisions.
According to him, “this goes to say that decision-making in crisis and situations of emergency requires greater understanding and appreciation of the situation at hand, tact, carefulness, caution and high sense of rationality “ adding that “this underscores the imperativeness and importance of the workshop.”

The PSC chairman observed that the dynamic nature of modern society will continue to confront the Nigeria Police Force and the commission in the performance of their respective duties and establish the intellectual climate within which the police must operate and the importance of oversight and accountability in policing.

He said the new dimensions for policing and oversight, “therefore create an ethical leadership challenge which requires effective leadership skills for the 21st Century managers in the security sector”.

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