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NBA Pledges Support for Fagbemi as AGF

The President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Mr. Yakubu Maikyau (SAN), at the weekend paid a courtesy visit on the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice-designate in Abuja, Prince Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) where he promised to support him to achieve success.

In his remarks, the NBA President described Fagbemi as a ’round peg in a round role’ and expressed the excitement of many lawyers about his appointment.

Maikyau pledged the support of the NBA as Fagbemi assumes office as the new Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation tomorrow.

While responding, Fagbemi expressed his appreciation to the NBA President and his team for the visit.

He remarked that it gives him a lot of comfort, knowing that he has the support of the Bar. He then called upon the NBA President to present to the office of the Attorney General the NBA’s official position on law reforms and areas of improvement for the judiciary.

The NBA President was accompanied on the visit by the Alternate Chairperson of the 2023 NBA Annual General Conference Planning Committee, Mrs. Oyikan Badejo, who chose the occasion to brief the incoming Justice Minister of the forthcoming Annual General Conference which commences on Friday, August 25, 2023 in Abuja.

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