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NBA Leadership Visits Chief Justice Of Nigeria, Deliberates On Implementation To Justice Sector Reforms

The Leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association in furtherance of its resolve to strengthen the cordiality shared by the Bar and Bench recently proceeded on a courtesy visit to the Chief Justice of the Nigeria.

The visit which took place on Thursday, 24th March, 2022 had the NBA delegation led by its President, Olumide Akpata brief the CJN on resolutions reached at the recently held Justice Sector Summit on issues such as the appointment/selection of Judges, disciplinary measures against erring judges, judicial independence amongst others.

Welcoming the august visit by the Bar leadership, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Dr. Ibrahin Tanko pointed out that most of the recommendations from the Justice Sector Summit are already partner the National Judicial Council Policy of 2016 which are not being implemented.

Consequently, it was agreed that a Committee comprising of five members from the bench and bar be constituted to work out modalities for implementation of the Justice Sector recommendations.

Furthermore, the NBA President on behalf of the delegation, pledged to continue speaking up for the Bench since the code guiding members of the Bench bars them from responding to attacks meted on its members.

The CJN thanked the NBA President for the thoughtful visit and reminded the delegation that the Bar and Bench are different sides to a coin which must work in symphony. He further pledged by way of conclusion, that more steps will be taken to ensure a more efficient dispensation of justice, and implementation of the decisions reached at the Justice Sector Summit

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