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LPDC Strikes Off Lawyer’s Name For Misappropriating Client’s N7 Million

The Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee (LPDC) has struck off the name of Nnamdi Osuji, also known as Nnamdi Osuji Patrice, from the Roll of Legal Practitioners in Nigeria for professional misconduct. The decision was reached on January 14, 2021, following a complaint filed by the Incorporated Trustees of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) against Osuji.

According to the complaint, Osuji, who was called to the Bar in 1992 with enrollment number SCN020502, collected the sum of N8 million from his client, Arisa Chiekwero, in 2008 to purchase a property on his behalf. However, Osuji failed to carry out the instruction and withheld N7 million from the total sum, contrary to the Rules of Professional Conduct for Legal Practitioners.

During the proceedings, the LPDC found that there was a clear client-lawyer relationship between Chiekwero and Osuji. The Committee also established that Chiekwero relied on Osuji as his legal adviser for property transactions, and the sum of N8 million was indeed given to Osuji for the purpose of purchasing a property.

Osuji, in his defense, claimed that the money was given to him as a business loan, which he would have repaid but for an unfortunate downturn in his business. However, the LPDC noted that Osuji failed to provide any evidence to support his claim of a loan agreement.

The LPDC, in its direction, found Osuji guilty of infamous conduct in the course of the performance of his duty as a legal practitioner. The Committee ordered that Osuji’s name be struck off the Roll of Legal Practitioners with immediate effect. Additionally, the LPDC directed Osuji to repay the outstanding amount of N7 million to Chiekwero within six months of the date of the direction.

The Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court has been directed to effect the order and make a notation of the direction against Osuji’s name on the Roll of Legal Practitioners. The NBA President, Chief Justice of Nigeria, and other relevant authorities have also been notified of the decision.

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