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‘I Was Never Arrested Or Detained’ – Alleged Detained Magistrate Clarifies

The Magistrate of the Chief Magistrate Court 1, Mushin, Lagos who was allegedly arrested and detained by a Police Area Commander in the course of her routine visit to police stations has spoken up and debunk the reports of her arrest or detention.

In a report, the Magistrate, Mrs Matepo has debunked the news making round and made clarification on what happened.

According to Mrs. Matepo she was on an official visit to the cell when the Area Commander demanded that his approval should be sort and given before she carried out her duty.

She said; “yes something happened but not as bad as it was narrated. I went on the police visit to Mushin and the Area Commander insisted that I must take his approval or permission before I interrogate the suspects in the cell and I explained to him that haven seen his senior officers who led me to the cell that I don’t think I need to see him first. That  I might come back to him after interrogating the suspects if need be, but he insisted that it shouldn’t have gone that way but I put it to him that that is the way I do my job and I need not come and take permission from his office.”

“I stood my ground that I must conclude my job and his officers are the ones to report to him after I might have finished or if there is any need for me to see him, I will see him.”

“Though he agitated and shouted but I stood my ground. That was what happened.”

She further said that after the incident, she made an official report and the Area Commander was cautioned with an assurance that a formal apology would be tendered.

“That was what happened before the viral news that I was arrested. There was no arrest or detention. I am fine and I think the High Court is taking proper step on the issue.” She concluded.

The Lawyer recalls that the Chairman of the Lagos branch of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikechukwu Uwanna has reacted to the viral report of the alleged arrest and detention of a Lagos State Magistrate by the Police Headquarters in Mushin, Lagos.

In a statement sighted by The Lawyer, the NBA Lagos Chair acknowledged that his attention has been drawn to the alleged detention of the Magistrate.

He also recommitted to the protection of the judiciary as a Bar Association, and pledged not to abdicate that responsibility even in the present issue.

“My attention has been drawn to the disturbing news of a Magistrate in the Lagos Magistracy being reportedly detained by a police officer in the course of the Magistrate’s official functions.

As we are all aware, we are, and should be the bulwark of support to the Judiciary and I am committed to ensuring that we keep the faith in this regard.”

He stated that upon receipt of the news, he immediately contacted the Chief Registrar of the Lagos judiciary to confirm the report. According to him, the Chief Registrar informed him that the true facts are not as widely published and that the Lagos State Judiciary is on the issue.

He said: “Upon receiving the news of the unfortunate sacrilegious incident, I reached out to the Chief Registrar of the Lagos State Judiciary to confirm same.

He however informed me that the true facts are not as widely published and that the Lagos State Judiciary is looking into the matter.”

In the statement, he also restated that the NBA Lagos branch shall engage the Lagos State Judiciary to get to the root of the matter.

“We shall continue to engage the Lagos State Judiciary to get to the root of the matter.”

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