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Don’t Fail Nigerians, Buhari Tells Judiciary

President Muhammadu Buhari has charged the Judiciary not to fail the Nigerians while delivering its duties intervening in electoral disputes arising from next year’s general elections.

He gave the admonition during the swearing-in ceremony for the Acting Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Kayode Ariwoola, in the Council Chambers of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Justice Muhammad Tanko, on Monday morning, resigned his position as the CJN, citing health reasons.

Buhari said he had accepted the resignation of Tanko, considering the circumstances surrounding it though he would have wished he stayed till statutory retirement time.

However, giving his admonition during the swearing-in ceremony for the Acting CJN, Buhari, who showered encomiums of the exiting CJN, Buhari assured the Judiciary of his continued respect for the principles of Separation of Powers, and commitment to ensuring the independence of the third arm of government.

“I want to admonish the Justices of the Supreme Court to always remain faithful and bear true allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and to remain steadfastly committed to the Oath of Allegiance which they all subscribed to, as contained in the 7th Schedule to the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).

“Our Nation is approaching a critical general election in 2023, the Judiciary must not do anything to fail the ordinary people of Nigeria which may make them lose confidence in the Judiciary.

“This occasion is an opportune time for me, to, as always, assure the Nigerian Judiciary that this administration is committed to ensuring the independence of the Judiciary and will not do anything nor take any steps to undermine your independence. We shall uphold the Constitutional provisions on the Rule of Law and the principles of Separation of Powers”, he said.

Acknowledging the contributions of the exiting CJN, Buhari commended him for holding the Judiciary together, he conferred the second highest national honour of the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger (GCON) on him.

“Ordinarily, he was scheduled to retire from the Supreme Court on the last day of 2023. Unfortunately, as no man is infallible, ill-health has cut short Chief Justice Tanko’s leadership of the Nigerian Judiciary at this time.

“I am therefore constrained to accept his retirement, albeit with mixed-feelings. Much as one may wish that the Chief Justice of Nigeria Muhammed Tanko is able to fully serve his term in office, it presupposes that he is able to perform the functions of the Office without let, hindrance or any form of disability.

“The instant resignation of Justice Tanko is however envisaged under Section 231(4) of the 1999 Constitution as amended which contain provisions relating to vacancy and the occupant of the Office of Chief Justice of Nigeria being unable to perform the functions of the Office for any reason.

“Under a constitutional democracy like ours, government powers and responsibilities are clearly allocated and shared among the three tiers; the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The three organs must work harmoniously and optimally in accordance with their respective Constitutional mandates.

“Nigeria’s Judiciary under the leadership of Chief Justice of Nigeria Tanko Muhammed judiciously exercised the Judicial powers of the Federation. His era witnessed several landmark, jurisprudential and policy decisions by the Supreme Court, and by extension other Courts established by the Constitution.

“CJN Tanko dealt firmly with the issue of reckless and indiscriminate grant of ex-parte Orders that was assuming serious dimensions.

“History will be kind to Justice Tanko Muhammed for his modest contributions to Nigeria’s Judiciary, the strengthening of our democracy and national development.

“In line with the custom of decorating Chief Justices of Nigeria with the second highest national honour of the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger, (GCON), and upon the advice of the Council of State in that regard, as his Lordship CJN I. Tanko Muhammed is taking a bow from the Supreme Court, I hereby bestow on him the National Honour of the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger, (GCON)”, he said.

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