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Count Me Out Of Ebonyi South APC Repeat Primary — Agom-Eze

Runner up in the All Progressives Congress (APC) Ebonyi South senatorial district primary, Ann Agom-Eze, yesterday, distanced herself from the fresh primary scheduled for Sunday, July 31, by the leadership of the party in the state.

She insisted that with the voluntary withdrawal of Augustine Umahi, who was the winner of the primary, she remained the authentic APC candidate of the senatorial district for the 2023 general poll .

In a statement, yesterday, Agom-Eze said the recent judgement of the Federal High Court in Abakaliki, in a suit filled by Governor David Umahi on the Ebonyi South APC ticket was in her favour.

She, therefore, said there was no need for a repeat primary to allow new aspirants to participate, and vowed to appeal the judgement of the court.

She said: “I have keenly noted all the discussions, claims, outbursts, assertions, and accusations on the above matter, particularly with respect to my person and my role in the matter, and wish to state as follows:

“That it was Governor Umahi that went to court, I only joined the suit as it affects me, and erroneous claims made against my person.

“That although the judgement of Justice Fatun Riman of the Federal High Court, Abakaliki was partly in my favour, I have filed an appeal in the Court of Appeal to seek remedy over the order of the court for fresh primary to admit new aspirants.

“That the public and all concerned should be mindful of the fact that this matter is pending in the court of law and as such, I expect all concerned to be patient and stay all actions and allow the matter to run its course in the court of law, I urge my supporters to remain calm and law-abiding.”

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