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Adultery: My Ex-Husband Lying, Says Wife Of Former Rep Uwak

An estranged wife of former House of Representatives member Hon. Robinson Uwak has accused him of lying against her to cover up his guilt.

Reacting to some publications in some national dailies where her ex-husband accused her of infidelity and allegedly having an affair with a serving member of the House of Representatives, Kezia said she never had anything to do with any other man while she was married to Uwak.

“Not in any way; not communication, not physical meetings, nothing,” she said.

“I was a stay-at-home wife because he didn’t allow me to work, and stay at home I did.

“I got pregnant with my twins two months after the wedding, and as we know, twin pregnancy is very tasking.

“I was barely moving during the pregnancy as it was high risk, and after birth, I had to take out time to recover from the CS surgery and then my hands were full with taking care of my babies.

“I was deprived, stressed, barely eating, barely having any time for myself, because I was giving my best to my babies. This is normal for new mothers, especially first time mothers with twins.”

“My entire life was dedicated to the care and well being of my babies.

“I never even thought of cheating, not to talk of executing it. My hands were full.

“The house helps we hired kept leaving because of Robinson’s (Uwak’s) physical violence and shouting. They were uncomfortable and scared.

“So most times, I was alone with my babies. Even as he came back every night by 4 am, I was alone with them day and night.”

She, however, said she enjoyed every moment of it because of the love she has for her children would have laid down her life if it was going to make them happy.

She added: “No human being is perfect, but I tried to do everything he asked of me just to make this marriage work, because I knew the world’s opinion would be unkind if I left.

“But that morning, he strangled me and I ran for my life with my twins. I knew I was going to die if I continued to stay with him.

“This was no more about praying for the marriage or praying that he changes. This was life or death, and for the first time, I chose me and ran away.

“Everything will be out in the open soon and I can’t wait for it.

“His disgusting and unprintable claim that I was kept in a hotel by Hon. Ben Kalu (who I haven’t seen in person in four years or spoken to in three years), in a hotel for three days and who slept with me in front of my children, is a wicked lie that could only be concocted by a twisted and evil mind.

“The truth is that I realised soon after I got married that I had made a life threatening mistake by marrying Robinson Uwak. But the IVF was successful and I was pregnant and so I kept hope that he would change for good.

“We courted for just four months, long distance- before I accepted his proposal and succumbed to the pressure he put on me to marry, insisting that he loved me. That was a fatal mistake as I should’ve gotten to know him better.

“After being rescued by NAPTIP in January and attempting to go to my parents’ in Calabar after he refused to honour NAPTIP’S invite on three different occasions, he harassed, intimidated and arrested me at the airport with SARS operatives, and I was made to write a statement alongside Jossy Oku, who I had run into at the airport and asked to help me carry my infant as you can’t carry two babies to fly.

“Before asking him to help me, I attempted to buy a seat for my son but I was told that a passenger must carry him as he was too small to sit alone. So I asked Jossy who graceful obliged. I had to buy him a new ticket to attach my baby’s name to it.”

Reiterating that Uwak’s allegations against her were false, Kezia said: “His allegations are concocted lies told to assuage his guilt and failings as a husband and as a responsible member of the society.

“There are ways to prove that people have been in communication. Call logs, video or picture evidence. He should provide any of it. He can’t because it doesn’t exist. And anything he brings will be forensically scrutinized to prove it’s real.

“I’m glad the case is in court because that is the only way that these grievous lies can be exposed and the truth can be revealed.”

Kezia said she was “truly sorry for the family of Hon. Benjamin Kalu for this disgrace. I have nothing to do with this man. During my marriage, I did not even speak to him or any member of his team.

“He has not sponsored my reaching out to the media in any way. All the media outfits that carried my story carried it for free. Honestly, I didn’t even know I had to pay. All the newspapers, blogs and websites that carried my story did it for free for which I’m grateful for.

“It was only from my Instablog video reply that I realised that I had to pay money to send out a reply.

“As for the House of Reps Press Corps, I got the chairman’s number from a journalist and contacted her directly, telling her my story.

“I figured since Robinson was a House of Reps member and the Press Corps has all the media houses under its control, this would be the best place to address the press instead of going to each media outfit individually as I had been doing before.

“No one advised me to. Robinson Uwak was a House of Reps member, so it was only logical to me that I go there to address this as he had committed a crime by bringing armed masked thugs in military uniform to forcibly abduct my babies from me.

“If that move was wrong, I wasn’t aware, as I felt it was the best move at that time.

“I firmly state again that I had no contact with Hon. Benjamin Kalu or any member of his team during my marriage to Robinson Uwak.

“Frankly, he wasn’t involved in any of my plans to leave Hon. Robinson Uwak. He didn’t even know. I had only told close friends of mine.”

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