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Tinubu Signs Bill Raising Retirement Age Of Judges

President Bola Tinubu has signed into law the bill on uniform retirement age for judicial officers.

The State House Di­rector of Information, Abiodun Oladunjoye, disclosed this in a state­ment issued to newsmen on Thursday.

He said President Tinu­bu signed into law the ‘Constitution of the Fed­eral Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (Fifth Alteration) (No.37), 2023’ presented by the outgoing 9th National Assembly.

With the signing of the Constitutional Amend­ment Bill, retirement age and pension rights of ju­dicial officers have been effectively brought into uniformity and other re­lated matters. This allows High Court judges to retire at the age of 70 like Appeal Court and Supreme Court justices.

This is the first bill signed by President Tibunu since taking the oath of of­fice on May 29.

While signing the amendment bill into law, President Tinubu pledged his administration’s ded­ication to strengthening the judiciary, ensuring the rule of law, and empower­ing judicial officers to exe­cute their responsibilities effectively.

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