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Police Area Commander Walks Out Lagos Magistrate On Police Station Visit

The Area Commander of Area N Command of the Lagos State Police Command has reportedly harassed a Magistrate of the Lagos State Judiciary who was at the police detention facility at Ikorodu at Gun Point.

According to volunteers from the NBA Ikorodu branch who accompanied the Magistrate, the Magistrate on her monthly visit to police detention facility at Area N Command was forced out of the Police Station by the Area Commander.

Recounting the ugly development, they said: ”The magistrate requested for the presence of one Emmanuel Olukeji the IPO said he was with the Area Commander.

While we were waiting, suddenly the Area Commander (AC) bounced on us.”

The volunteers further narrated that the “AC aggressively confronted the Magistrate and was shouting on her at the top of his voice.

The Area commander harassed the Magistrate at close range .

He said in his word “who are you or who do you think you are” you this woman don’t ever come here again, I have warned you”.

According to report, the said Area Commander walked out the Magistrate and the PDSS team out of the police premises. They said he even confiscated the phone of one of the counsel on a believe that he was recording what was happening.

“To stop the open embarrassment we were facing, we had to leave the police station premises.

The experience was horrible”

The convener of Duty Solicitors Network, Bayo Akinlade, upon his enquiry was informed that the Area Commander was so violent that the Magistrate feared that he would physically assault her and that policemen with guns came towards them to force them out.

According to Mr. Akinlade, the Administration of Criminal Justice Reform Committee will be informed and he would expect that the section of the ACJL 2021 of Lagos State punishing any interference with the Magistrates visit will be activated.

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