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Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Leaves €100m To Partner Marta Fascina In Will

Former Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi continues to make news even in death. The billionaire turned politician has willed €100m (£85.4m) to his partner, Marta Fascina.

Also as part of handwritten will and he left the control of the family holding company, Fininvest, to his two eldest children, a source has confirmed.

The three-time Italian Prime Minister, who died last month and whose empire is estimated to be worth more than €6bn, also left €100m to his brother, Paolo, and €30m to Marcello Dell’Utri, a former senator with his Forza Italia party who served jail time for association with the mafia.

In the will, Berlusconi, who died of leukaemia aged 86, wrote: “I leave the available stock in equal parts to my children Marina and Pier Silvio. I leave all the rest in equal parts to my five children Marina, Pier Silvio, Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi.”

Berlusconi was controversial for his age-defying beauty treatment and sex parties.

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