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Court Grants Tukur Mamu Access To Personal Physician

Justice Inyang Ekwo of the Federal High Court, Abuja, has granted the request of the alleged terrorist negotiator, Tukur Mamu, to have access to his personal physician over alleged deteriorating health condition.

In a ruling, Justice Ekwo ordered that Mamu’s medical doctor should be allowed to treat him, subject to the supervision of the department of state service’s team of physicians.

Justice Ekwo, who agreed with the argument of Mamu’s counsel, Johnson Usman, asked the Federal Government’s lawyer, David Kaswe, if the defendant was entitled to his own personal physician, and he responded in the affirmative.

He subsequently adjourned the case to February 26 to 28, 2024 for continuation of trial.

Mamu is standing trial over his alleged relationship with terrorists that were involved in the Kaduna-bound train attack in 2022. He was arrested on September 6, 2022, by Interpol in Cairo, Egypt, on behalf of the Nigerian Government.

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