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Abba Kyari And The Wicked Conspiracies

Some things happens that make you wonder if you are still in Nigeria or in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where it is said that some animals are more equal than others. All those suspected to have committed a criminal offence enjoy a…

Africans And The Russia-Ukraine War

On 2 February 2022, the United Nations General Assembly convened in an emergency session, the first in a quarter of a century, to consider the Russian invasion of Ukraine. At the end of the debate, the states in the General Assembly voted…

Police And The New Dress Code

On Friday March 4, 2022, the Inspector-General of Police announced a new dress code for all female policemen, by which they were to adorn scarves, peak caps, hijabs, stud earrings and such other ornaments. There has been a growing debate on public…

Nigeria, A Country With Too Many Sovereigns

Colonial rule in Nigeria was conducted through Indirect Rule. It was a system of “native administration” patented in Northern Nigeria, which became the model exported by the British across their colonies. For all practical purposes, this system of government gave to most Emirs and…

Why Your Start-Up Needs a Founders Agreement

Introduction So, you have this business idea you want to execute with your friend. You are the technical one and will provide all the technical know-how and capabilities for the business. Your friend is a marketing and accounting guru and will provide the…
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